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Creating a character

Hello everyone!

This time, we will show part of the process of making a character. Sadly, I don’t have that many images of the whole thing, but I got the basic stuff!

Lets begin with the rough draft, personally the last one (FAB!) is awesome-sauce, but obviously it was gone in a second. I did several thumbnails like this one, but I will just present my favorite ones :).



Aw men, it was hilarious to show these ones, anyways, we went for the “assassin looking wizard” at the end. Although, the clothing changed (a lot) I needed to specify the anatomy.

And OH DEAR LORD it was another big challenge for me.

You see, I suck at drawing boys/dudes/man/the thing, I just cant! they all look sooo….girly. Let me show you:



Tons of mistakes and not that good for being rough sketches, before I even tried these I went back to my books/Google/mind of how the hell do you draw a man that looks good enough for my co-workers (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ .

And, at the very end we got the dude, the one that saved our friendship:


Sweetness right?! what you think? oh wait, before you judge him, here he is with some more awesome line art:


WAIT! One more!:


There you go! What you think? should I make more? should I just stop drawing? Let us know!

The sooner the better btw :) Thanks for checking us out!

xPeace outx

Published by: Lucy